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A Storyteller's Manetheren

Adapted from Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

"Away to the east, far across the great waters that divide the earth there is a small mountain land called the Two Rivers.  It is peopled by farmers and peasants, hard-working folk and stubborn, but often fearful.  To the south is one of the rivers, from which Two Rivers gains its name.  The river is called by the people there the White River for the currents and rocks in it, but far to the east of Two Rivers, men still call it by its rightful name.  Manetherendrelle.  In the Old Tongue, Waters of the Mountain Home.  Sparkling waters once coursed through a lan of bravery and beauty.  Two thousand years ago Manetherendrelle flowed by the walls of a mountain city that artisans from the four corners of the earth came to stare in wonder.  Farms and villages covered this region, and that which is now known as the Forest of Shadows, as well, and beyond.  But all those folk thought of themselves as the people of the Mountain Home, the people of Manetheren.
"Their King was Aemom al Caar al Thorin, Aemon son of Caar sonof Thorin, and Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan was his Queen.  Aemon, a man so fearless that the greatest compliment for courage any could give, even among his enemies was to say that a man had Aemon's heart.  Eldrene, so beautiful that it was said the flowers bloomed to make her smile.  Bravery and beauty and wisom and a love that death could not sunder.  Weep, if you have a heart, for the loss of them, for the loss even of their memory.  Weep for the loss of their blood.

"For nearly two centuries wars had ravaged the length and the breadth of the world, and wherever battles raged, the Red Eagle of Manetheren was in the forefront.  The men of Manetheren were a thorn to the foot of the unjust and a bramble in the hand of the unrighteous.  Sing of Manetheren, that would never bend knee to evil.  Sing of Manetheren, the sword that could never be broken.
"They were far away, the men of Manetheren, on the Field of Bekkar, called the Field of Blood, when the news came that a dark army was moving against their home.  Too far to do else but wait to hear of their land's death, for the forces of evil meant to make an end of them.  Kill the mighty oak by hacking away its roots.  Too far to do else but mourn.  But they were the men of the Mountain Home.
"Without hesitation, without thought of the distance they must travel, they marched from the very field of victory, still covered in dust and sweat and blood.  Day and night they marched, for they had seen the horror the dark armies left behind them, and no man of them could sleep while such a danger threatened Manetheren.  They moved as if their feet hhad wings, marching further and faster than friends hoped or enemies feared they could.  At any other day that march alone would have inspired songs.  When the dark armies swooped down on the lands of Manetheren, the men of the Mountain Home stood before it, with their back to the Tarendrelle.

"The host that faced the men of Manetheren was enough to daunt the bravest heart.  Ravens blackened the sky, infantry blackened the earth.  Evil men from every nation gathered.  Men in tens of thousands, with black robed generals to command, and powerful sorcerers to aid them.  At night their campfires outnumbered the stars, and dawn revealed the banner of the Dark One at their head.  Ba'al, Heart of the Dark.  All names for the Father of Lies.  There was power there, and the dread of it shook the men of Manetheren, and sent a chill into their very souls.
"Yet they knew what they must do.  Their homeland lay just across the river.  They must keep that host, and the power with it, from the Mountain Home.  Aemon had sent out messangers.  Aid was promised if they could hold for but three days at the Tarendrelle.  Hold for three days against odds that should overwhelm them in the first hour.  Yet somehow, through bloody assault and desperate defense, they held through and hour, and the second hour, and the third.  For three days they fought, and though the land became a butcher's yard, no crossing of the Tarendrelle would they yield.  By the third night no help had come, and no messangers, and they fought on alone.  For six days, For nine.  And on the tenth day Aemon knew the taste of betrayal.  No help was coming, and they could hold the river crossings no more.

"Aemon crossed the Tarendrelle, burning the bridges behind him.  And he sent word throughout the land for the people to flee, for he knew the powers with the dark army would find a way to bring it across the river.  Even as the word went out, the crossing began, and the soldiers of Manetheren took up the fight again, to buy with their lives what hours they could for the people to escape.  From the city of Manetheren, Eldrene organized the flight of her people into the deepest forests and the fastness of the mountains.
"But some did not flee.  First in a trickle, then a river, thena flood, men went, not to safety, but to join the army fighting for their land.  Shepherds with bows, and farmers with pitchforks, and woodsmen with axes.  Women went too, shouldering what weapons they could find and marching side by side with their men.  No one made the journey who did not know they would never return.  But it was their land.  It had been their fathers', and it would be their childrens', and the went to pay the price of it.  Not a step of ground was given up until it was soaked in blood, but at the last the army of Manetheren was driven back, back to the place now known as Emond's Field.  And here the hordes of darkness surrounded them.

"The dead of the enemy piled up in mounds, but always more scrambled over those charnel heaps in waves of death that had no end.  There could be but one finish.  No man or woman who had stood beneath the banner of the Red Eagle at that day's dawning still lived when night fell.  The sword that could not be broken was shattered.
"In the Mountains of the Mist, alone in the emptied city of Manetheren, Eldrene heard Aemon die among a thousand foes, and her heart died with him.  And where her heart had been was left only a thirst for vengeance, vengeance for her love, vengeance for her people and her land.  She set out in the city, and began to set her traps.  Then she lured the sorcerers and generals of the Dark One's army into the city of Manetheren, and taunted them from within the palace.  They came, with hundreds of their troops to find and have their way with the Queen.  She waited until they were almost atop her, and then, crying Aemon's name, set off the traps she had set.  Fires raced through the streets and buildings of Manetheren, some say made hotter and more powerful by the Queen's thirst for vengeance, other say enhanced by the Creator in just retribution for evil done.  However it was done, the fires consumed every man in the city.

"The army that stood victorious now ran like beasts befor a wildfire in the forest, with no thought for anything but escape.  North and south they fleds.  Thousands drowned attempting to cross the Tarendrelle without the direction of their generals, and at the Manatherendrelle they tore down the bridges in their fight at what might be following them.  Where they found people, they slew and burned, bu the need to flee was the need that gripped them.  Until, at last, no one of them remained in the lands of Manetheren.  They were dispersed like dust before a whirlwind.  The final vengeance came more slowly, but it came, when they were hunted down by other peoples, by other armies in other lands.  None was left alive of those who did murder at Aemon's Field.
"But the price was high for Manetheren.  Eldrene had sacrificed herself on a pyre of vengeance.  As the enemy generals died, so did she die, and the fired that consumed her consumed the city of Manetheren, even the stones of it, down to the living rock of the mountains.  Yet the people had been saved.
"Nothing was left of their farms, their villages, or their great city.  Some would say there was nothing left for them, nothing but flee to other lands, where they could begin anew.  They did not say so.  They had paid such a price in blood and hope for their land as had never been paid before, and now they were bound to that soil by ties stronger than steel.  Other wars would wrack them in years to come, until at last their corner of the world was forgotten and at last they had forgotten war and the ways of war.  Never again did Manetheren rise.  Its soaring spires and splashing fountains became as a dream that slowly faded from the minds of its people.  But they, and their children, and their children's children, held the land that was theirs.  They held it when long centuries had washed the why of it from their memories.  They held it until, today, there is nothing remembered.  Weep for Manetheren.  Weep for what is lost forever."


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